Status Effects

  • Bind: Current Nexomon cannot swap or flee.  Deals 8% max HP each turn.
  • Burn: Deals 8% max HP each turn with an unlimited duration.
  • Confuse: 35% chance each turn to stop skill use.  Deals 8% max HP if it procs.
  • Curse: Skills used are treated as “Not Effective.”
  • Demotivate: 50% chance each turn to stop skill use.
  • Frail: Receive 30% additional skill damage from ‘Normal/non elemental’ type attacks.
  • Freeze: Complete stun lock for duration, 30% chance to unfreeze each turn. Nexmon who are frozen and use a fire skill break freeze (Can’t freeze Fire Nexomon.)
  • Hex: Deals 12% max HP each turn.
  • Inception: Only works vs sleeping Nexomon, deals 15% max HP. Removed on wake up
  • Invincible: Cannot be dealt damage for duration.
  • Leech: Deals 10% max HP each turn and heals opponent (even if opponent is not the original leech user.)
  • Nervous: 60% chance to fail skill use if repeating a skill.
  • Paralyze: 30% chance each turn to stop skill use.
  • Planted: Cannot swap or flee, heals 10% max HP each turn.
  • Poison: Deals 10% max HP each turn with an unlimited duration.
  • Provoke: Unable to apply status ailments.
  • Puzzle: Nexomon must repeat the same skill used the turn it is applied else they fail to use any skill.
  • Recover: Heal 8% max HP each turn.
  • Sick: Reduces healing from healing skills to 0.
  • Sleep: Unable to use skills, direct damage skills never miss against sleeping Nexomon.
  • Survive: Cannot go below 1HP while active.